Coaching Services
I believe that change is possible at any age and at any stage in life. Step into your vision of professional and personal growth and fulfillment with me. Together, we will create a coaching process that has the power to take you from confusion and fear to clarity and fulfillment.
For adults...
Re-capture the energy and vitality so pivotal to success, leadership and fulfillment. Open to an awareness that will ignite your creativity, enrich your relationships, and bring movement and growth to every aspect of your professional and personal life. I coach leaders and professionals in personal branding, executive presence, career pathing and change, leadership development, difficult conversations, building confidence, limiting beliefs, inner critic and inner resources, work / life balance, mindfulness and wellness.
For youth, teens and young adults...
I work with clients to explore the challenges of studying, socializing and growing up. Together, we build self esteem, belonging and self awareness through discussion and experiential learning. My clients own their personal values; celebrate their strengths; bring awareness to their body language; explore and manage their challenges; and celebrate their successes.
For parents, teachers, administrators and guides…
Learn to support youth and young adults by exploring your values and theirs. My clients cultivate skills that support and teach their children and students to be effective, fulfilled and independent people.
The magic of coaching in a group setting is in the discovery that many of us share similar dreams and desires to those around us. Group coaching members also have the added support and accountability of the community to make their vision and goals a reality. Through the use of proven coaching tools, methodology and discussion in addition to creative experiences and visualization exercises, I seek to develop a group dynamic that enables participants to plan, commit to action steps and achieve their individual goals. At the same time, participants learn skills to carry with them beyond the experience into their professional and personal lives.