My clients are waking up and shaking up their lives. Here is what they say about coaching with me... 

When I started coaching, I was stuck in a place of restlessness and micro-managing tendencies. From the first meeting with Amy, her intuition-based questions, guided focus and warm demeanor opened me up to see things I could not see on my own. Every session was so different and so perfectly timed. Whether through conversation or meditation, I felt my path unfold in front of me. What a gift she has!
My key accomplishment, each and every time, is knowing myself better. From that place, I have the choice to move or not move, react or not react. The flow of my life force is stronger and more joyful, thanks to Amy.
— Kristin, Creative, Texas & New Jersey
Before I began coaching with Amy, I was detached and disconnected from my voice. Since we have begun this process, I am having less panic attacks and much more flow. I am planning my dream business, and I can hear my voice again.
— Jess, Entrepreneur, Colorado
Before we started coaching, I needed more clarity from myself about the choices I have made in my life and the project I was pursuing, I also needed to get rid of some of my blocks and insecurities that were getting in the way of my goals. The key goals and accomplishments I have experienced are confronting my sabators and staying positive throughout my journey. Amy has helped me get a more clear definition of what I want to do and has given me tools to remind me of my goals and the life and work I want to have.
— Jennifer, Writer, New Jersey
Before I began coaching with Amy, I was struggling with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. I was spending too much time beating myself up for being unproductive. I was stuck in a rut of not moving forward. Now, after a few months of coaching, I am reclaiming my ability to be decisive and productive. I am getting tasks done, achieving my goals and finding renewed clarity.
— Vivian, Teacher, New Jersey
I am thoroughly enjoying being coached by Amy. It’s a time set aside for my agenda, my needs, and paying attention to the vision that I want to create. In working with Amy, we explore powerful perspectives and identify goals that have meaning for my life. Coaching together can be playful or serious. It relies on intuition as much as rational thought. Both feelings and reason matter. This allows us to tap into many different ways of being and knowing as we explore what I’m wanting to create in my life, the changes I’m ready to step into.

Amy is warm, vivacious, creative, and bravely challenges me to tap into my inner strength. Changes that I’ve experienced in our time coaching together run the gamut from a home that is more consciously lived-in (more photographs; an art nook for my child and me) to better communication in my marriage and a more active partnership particularly in regards to finances.

I have found that coaching powerfully resonates in between sessions, as well. I’m free to reach out with updates and she has generously responded. Even when I’m working “on my own,” I’m deeply processing and practicing what we have explored during our sessions.

Amy asks powerful questions, makes requests and inquiries that foster a better understanding of what truly matters to me, and move me forward in concert with my values. I had been in some “stuck” patterns and working together, we have succeeded in un-sticking them. Along with new awareness has emerged a healthier, more productive dynamic. I highly recommend that anyone who is curious about coaching try it out.
— Mary, Writer & Coach, New Jersey
Amy came to me as a gift, literally from my ex-sister-in-law. I was introduced to Amy at a time in my life that was filled with chaos, turmoil, anger, & fear. On my very first appointment with Amy, she explained how our relationship would unfold and the techniques & benefits of Life Coaching.

I am so incredibly grateful for the goals & accomplishments I have walked through with Amy as my Life Coach. I have been able to actually come back to me. By that I mean, I have come back to investing in myself so I can actually be a better wife, Mother, Grandmother, employee, ect. I have been able to manage stress & time in a positive way due to the lessons that Amy has helped me walk thru.

Having a life coach has given me accountability to another person which has forced me to show up and raise my own bar. I feel I can bring peace & direction back to my mind & heart again, due to the process Amy has helped me unfold.

There have been so many amazing moments I have been allowed to receive in my life. But having the benefit of Amy as my Life coach has opened doors for me to break thru my own limiting beliefs about myself & others. She has been a gift that has changed my world for the better!
— Shannon, Student Advisor, Arizona